Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Elephant Skin Pith Helmut & SAMs

This is your single source for Elephant Skin Pith Helmuts for SAMs!

Made from authentic naugahyde pleauther vinly and looking not all like Elephant Skin, which is as ugly as your grandmothers fanny, these hand crafted wonders are the Rolls-Royce of Pith Helmuts. Never mind that they will make you head sweat like a fat mosher at a Metallica concert, you will be the envy of all your smelly friends!

And yes, I KNOW -- I KNOW - I spelled Helmut wrong! I did not want people getting mixed up and searching for Helmets and not finding my page, where I spell Helmet Helmut !

So, you are probably wondering "what in the wide world of sports am I doing here - I thought I was linking to some color management technology?".

Welcome to SAM - Spectral Adjustment Monkeys.

This special hat is worn by our highly trained Spectral Adjustment Monkeys. Jacked up on Red Bull and Sky Vodka, they wear these hats ( we have not determined why they do this ) and for no particular reason that we can figure out, stand there and watch your proofing system and bang it with the new X-Rite ColorMunki spectrophotometer once in a while. Does not good whatsoever, but it sure beats using that old dusty and faded Pantone color brige fan book. Get Going' Get Goe!